Movate Edison Cloud Contact Center

Modernize your contact center operations with Movate Edison Cloud Contact Center

Flexible and scalable contact center on the cloud

Cloud is a given, not an option anymore. If you are still stuck with legacy on-premise contact center technology, then you are not only missing out on the on-demand flexibility and scalability that cloud contact centers offer, but also potentially depriving your customers of the digital experiences they deserve. Movate Edison Cloud Contact Center is a comprehensive solution to move your contact center operations to the Cloud rapidly and pave the way for a cognitive contact center with AI-powered cloud applications.

Managed services offered with Movate Edison Cloud Contact Center

  • Strategy consulting & design
  • End to end implementation & support
  • Intergration & migration from existing voice infrastructure
  • CX optimization services with AI and digital solutions

The business challenges that hold you back

  • Unable to keep contact center operational with shift to work from home
  • Unpredictable contact volumes not manageable with inflexible on-premise technology
  • Overpaying for technology commitments not being used in legacy setup

Fast-track to resilient experiences with Movate Edison Cloud Contact Center

  • 100% fully managed cloud based solution that can be accessed from anywhere
  • On-demand scalability and flexibility to support contact volume fluctuations
  • Pay-as-you-go model with no minimum fees and no contracts

Outcomes assured

  • Over 200% ROI with Migration to Cloud
  • Up to 99.99% Contact Center Availability
  • Over 30% Savings on Subscription Costs

Ready to reinvent your enterprise with AI?
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